Individual Recertification
A uniformly applied recertification program with a set deadline for submission of continuing education credit (CEC) requirements and payment of an annual recertification fee, ensures that the Public will find a consistent quality of proficiency and knowledge among NEBB Certificants.
NEBB certification disciplines demand that its CPs and CTs acquire and maintain a broad base of knowledge. The body of knowledge in the world changes constantly and in an explosion of information, NEBB Certificants must keep up. The benefits of continuing education are learning new skills, keeping up with technological advances, developing new areas of expertise. But the hidden benefits could be even more valuable: keeping the mind open to new idea, honing the skills of learning, and developing as a well-rounded professional.
Certified Professional
Certified Professionals are required to:
- Pay an annual recertification fee; and
- Submit 6 continuing education credits (CECs) annually.
The CP CEC Policy Form is available here.
Certified Technician
Certified Technicians are required to:
- Pay an annual recertification fee; and
- Submit 3 continuing education credits (CECs) annually.
The CT CEC Policy Form is available here.
August 1 – December 31: NEBB’s Individual CEC Submission Period
Individual Certificants CEC recertification paperwork (verification documentation) can be uploaded and submitted to the Individual Certificant’s personal profile located in Certelligence beginning August 1.
September 1 – December 31: Payment of Annual Recertification Fee
The annual recertification fee can be paid any time from September 1 through December 31 by accessing the invoice in the Certificant’s personal profile located in Certelligence. Failure to pay the annual recertification fee by December 31 will result in late fees being assessed.
January 1 – March 31: Late Fees Assessed and Compounded
Individual Certificants whose completed CEC paperwork is not uploaded and submitted to their personal profile in Certelligence and who have not paid their annual recertification fees by December 31 are considered late and will be assessed late fees.
April 1 – June 30: Suspension Period
Individual Certificants whose completed CEC paperwork is not submitted to NEBB AND/OR have not paid their Annual Recertification Fee on or before March 31 are considered Suspended. Failure to pay the annual recertification fee AND/OR submit the required CECs by June 30 will automatically result in Decertification on July 1.
- CEC paperwork uploaded to Certelligence during the suspension period will be subject to delays in the Staff Review process which in turn, will cause delays.
- CEC forms and documentation sent by mail or email will not be accepted.
- CEC submissions found incomplete will be flagged in Certelligence and could result in delays in the review process. Please make sure all signatures lines have been signed and all the paperwork is complete before submitting to Certelligence.
- Once NEBB reviews the CEC files in Certelligence and approves the submission, individual certificate(s) will be issued.